Hi Shelly, I think you're spot on when you say that our thoughts ultimately create our reality. Happy to be a new fan!

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Jul 27Liked by Shelly Roberts

Hi Shelly, I'm finally getting around to reading your posts. Beautiful analogies ❀️. I definitely needed the reminder, not just today. My mind has been full of tangled weeds lately! Looking forward to more 😊

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Thanks Jen, although I’m sorry there’s not been much to read on my stack. Just after I joined and started writing, we were knocked for six with some devastating news about a family member. I will relaunch when things have settled and my creativity returns πŸ’–

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Jul 28Liked by Shelly Roberts

I am so sorry Shelly. I hope you're able to find strength in each other in these difficult times. Substack will be here when and if you're ready to write again ✨❀

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Jul 12Liked by Shelly Roberts

This post was just a reminder how simple facts are lost in the humdrum of life. The simplicity of this post reminded me of a warm hug. Simple and warm yet the most effective. Thank you for sharing :)

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Hey Shelly, this is an awesome post! I’ve been diving deeper into self-awareness and self-compassion and I’ve learned that these are the 3 big elements, but I never really looked at them as interconnected pieces. It’s so true! Our thoughts influence our feelings and our feelings influence our actions! It all starts with the mind! Thank you so much for sharing this! :)

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I’m so glad it made you feel that way πŸ€— in real life I am a hugger and for you to say that comes across in my writing is heart warming πŸ’–

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